100 Results
- ACADEMIC WRITING FOR DOCTORAL CANDIDATESThe course is a workshop style, writing development course. The aim of this course is to provide Ph.D. students with the skills which will enable them to communicate professiona...
- ADVANCED TOPICS IN MATER.ENGINEERING 3 (POLYMER NETWORKS)This course is targeted at students in Materials and Biology and Materials and Chemistry concentrations in our department but is expected to also draw students from Biomedical Engi...
- ADVANCED TOPICS IN MATERIALS ENGINEERING - CASE STUDIES IN BIOMATERIAL FAILUREThe aim of this course is to provide graduate students in Materials Science and Engineering with a more advanced understanding for material failure, particularly as it applies to m...
- Advanced Computational Fluid and Plasma DynamicsThe course provides an introduction to advanced computational methods useful to investigate fluid and plasma flows and their dynamics from the micro- to the macro-scales, under lam...
- Advanced Finite Element Simulations Using AbaqusThe course will introduce the use of the commercial finite element code Abaqus in a research-oriented way where a number of nonlinear problems will be addressed. The focus will be...
- Advanced RoboticsAdvanced robot models and coordinate transforms based on Denavit-Hartenberg (DH) convention. Electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic actuators and tools. Control and sensing systems...
- Applied BioroboticsThe module covers the following topics - introduction to portfolio documentation, primer on presentation and feedback skills, literature research and interactive learning environme...
- Applied Discrete OptimizationDiscrete optimization problems arise in many practical applications and functional areas. The module Applied Discrete Optimization focuses on the underlying polyhedral theory and b...
- Architecture and philosophyDesign facilitates activity, modifies climate and thinks about the making. In all this it delights the user in whichever way he or she uses the building. The big challenge of desig...
- Artificial Intelligence in Automotive EngineeringThe lecture covers all relevant aspects in the field of "Artificial Intelligence" and "Machine Learning". In addition, all theoretical aspacets will be related to automotive techn...
- Atomic-scale modelling of energy materialsIn this course, the student will get an introduction to Density Functional Theory (DFT) as one of the most used computational tools to study fundamental processes in materials for...
- Autonomous VehiclesThe concept of autonomous vehicles and application fields. Requirements for infrastructure in different environments (public room, traffic, closed areas, industry, inside and outsi...
- Basic power electronics in energy systemsThe overall purpose of the course is to provide the student with a basic understanding of power supplies (uninsulated and insulated) in DC and AC converters as well as one-phase an...
- Biomedical Microelectromechanical Systems (BioMEMS)The course consists of 4 modules, which are: 1. Basic theory and prototype fabrication (fluid mechanics, structural materials, rapid prototyping etc.) 2. Advanced theory, simula...
- COGNITION AND DECISION MAKINGThe course examines the way people make decisions and solve problems. Normative decision theory will be reviewed, and the cognitive basis of human decision processes will be discus...
- Circular Economy for Materials ProcessingBrief description of the course: Students will learn about the whole raw materials value chain, i.e., from exploration, mining, processing, and manufacturing to material recycling...
- Complex Systems and Self-OrganizationComplex systems as systems in which complex and qualitatively new behaviours emerge from the interaction of simple building blocks. Self-organisation and self-organising criticalit...
- Concrete MathematicsThe course “ITT9132 Concrete Mathematics” is focused on the study of recurrence equations and the methods for their solution and approximation. It is primarily addressed at Doctora...
- Contemporary Security Challenges and International Conflict ResolutionContemporary security environment; security theories and concepts; legal aspects of security and conflict resolution; international security and conflict law; cooperative security;...
- Cost AccountingThe matter of cost accounting matter, cost classification, job-order costing, process costing, activity based costing, standard costing, inventory management, responsibility accoun...
- Creative programming- Introduction to programming and software engineering. - Variables and control flows. - 2D graphics and animations. - Arrays and other data structures. - Functions. - Al...
- Design of Ground Mounted Photovoltaic Power PlantsThis course thoroughly explores photovoltaic (PV) plant design, employing PVsyst software to cover the design process from site assessment to financial analysis. Throughout the sem...
- Developing an Entrepreneurial mindset through serious gameThe course aims to prepare students to use an entrepreneurial mindset in a variety of professional contexts. The course will help students develop skills to cope with the dynamic a...
- Dutch for Beginners IIn this course you will acquire basic knowledge of the Dutch language. We use a method based on blended learning.
- Electric circuits 2Electric signals in alternating current circuitries in time and frequency domain, passive components in alternating current contexts, analog electrical circuits, transfer functions...
- Energy-Based Modeling of Complex SystemsThe module introduces to a structured, network- and energy-based methodology for the modeling and coupling of multi-physical systems. Departing from the bond-graph formalism, a gra...
- Entrepreneurship and Business PlanningThe study is divided into lectures and practice lessons following problem- and project based learning principles. In the lectures, the parts of the entrepreneurial process are disc...
- Estonian Language and CultureEstonian compared to the Indo-European languages. Politeness formulas. Numbers. Vocabulary associated with university. Basic everyday phrases (in a shop, cafe, etc.). A short re...
- EuroTeQ Collider. Enhancing Connections for Sustainable Futures (BSc)"Enhancing Connections for Sustainable Futures" aims to promote an integrated approach based on three main areas: People, Nature, and Technology. In the "People" domain, the focus...
- EuroTeQ Collider. Enhancing Connections for Sustainable Futures (MSc)"Enhancing Connections for Sustainable Futures" aims to promote an integrated approach based on three main areas: People, Nature, and Technology. In the "People" domain, the focus...
- EuroTeQ Collider: Entrepreneurship & InnovationDuring this innovation-learning journey to enhance your understanding of the societal challenges we face, you will co-create solutions towards a sustainable future. The Col...
- EuroTeQ Collider: Entrepreneurship & InnovationDuring this innovation-learning journey to enhance your understanding of the challenges we face, you will co-create solutions towards a sustainable future. The Collider is...
- EuroTeQ Intercultural Workshop – Intercultural competencies for working in multicultural teamsThe workshops take place on 3-4 days in the specified period. One Workshop on Fridays / Saturdays and one on Mondays / Thursdays. In addition to their specialist knowledge, future...
- EuroTeQ course in energy transition - the path towards net zeroThe continuous growth in energy demands is putting ever more stress on climate and the environment. In line with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, we work on the targe...
- Filamentous Fungi: Biology and BiotechnologyTo give the student broad knowledge of filamentous fungi of significance for the biotech and food industry, both as production organisms and as contaminants. The course will give t...
- Financial ModellingPrinciples of modelling - model design; model structure and planning; model building; presentation of results; model auditing. Excel tools used in financial modelling and their app...
- German as a Foreign Language A1.1This module teaches basic knowledge of German as a Foreign Language, taking into account intercultural and cultural aspects of the country, which will enable students to find their...
- German as a Foreign Language A2.1This module teaches basic knowledge of German as a Foreign Language, taking into account intercultural and cultural aspects of the country, enabling students to cope in simple, rou...
- Governance and Management of Cyber SecurityCyber security management principles. Information security and cyber security risk management, incident management. Software security architecture and secure software development....
- Green Deal Collider: Sustainable FuturesNumerous crises in recent years have demonstrated how fragile our environment, society, and economy are. The European Green Deal 2050 aims to transform the EU into a climate-neutra...
- Greenhouse Gas QuantificationThe course consists of three parts: Part 1: The Estonian carbon footprint assessment method for new construction and renovation, based on life cycle assessment (LCA) and the Europ...
- HISTORY OF SCIENCE - Ancient Philosophy of ScienceThis course serves as an introduction to the ancient Greek-Roman philosophy of science, spanning from the “Presocratic” naturalists (7th century BC) to Galen (2nd century AD). Emph...
- IT Modal - Cybersecurity — the Hacker eXperienceAs anybody, familiar with 1970s sitcoms can confirm, Mel, Alice's cook used to say: *“the best defense is a good offense”.* In cybersecurity, a similar saying would be that in o...
- Industrial Reaction Engineeringl reactions in production processes and in gas cleaning processes takes place in multi-phase reactors, e.g. Production of Pharmaceuticals, calcination of lime in the production of...
- Information Management and Digital ArchivingDefining organisational information (information management and its role in it, working with information and data management, organisation and information management architectures...
- Innovation Pilot (summer edition)Enable you to solve complex challenges in companies through using your engineering knowledge and thereby train an innovative mindset. - In the course, you will learn how to organiz...
- Innovation space project: innovation and entrepreneurship processesThis course aims develop competences of future engineers by identifying solutions thanks to challenge-based entrepreneurship applied in a set of interdisciplinary student teams, wo...
- Innovative Entrepreneurs - Leadership of High-Tech CompaniesThe objective of the module is to inspire and motivate the participants coming from various disciplines for an entrepreneurial career, and to give them a basic understanding about...
- Interfacial transport phenomena in engineering flowsMultiphase flows are of prime importance in the automotive branch (injection of gasoline), in power engineering (steam atemperation), in agriculture (insecticides), in inkjet print...
- Intermediate Financial AccountingPrinciples of financial accounting. IFRS. Main users of financial statements. Preparation of financial statements. Recording of business transactions. Merchandising perations. Asse...
- Introduction to Circular EconomyBasic terms and principles of circular economy and differences compared to linear economy. Importance and scope of circular economy; circular economy legislation, policies, Europea...
- Inverse problems and ImagingThe aim of the course is to give a systematic, mathematical introduction to inverse problems in science and engineering. Such problems arise, e.g., in connection with medical imagi...
- Knowledge ManagementCOVID-19 has shown us all how important it is to have access to relevant and updated information and knowledge to make better decisions. This has also underlined again the importan...
- Logic and its LimitsGegenstand ist zum einen die natürliche Sprache und die Analyse ihrer Form und Gestalt und zum anderen die sog. Mathematische Logik. Die Studierenden lernen die Reichhaltigkeit der...
- MATERIAL SCIENCE SOLUTIONS TO SUSTAINABILITY ISSUESThe aim of this course is to provide a broad overview to entering graduate students interested in sustainability and how research is currently being used to tackle some of these pr...
- MOLECULAR AND CHEMICAL KINETIC MODELINGThe course focuses on automatically generating predictive chemical kinetic models. It covers the following topics: Introduction to chemical kinetic modelling, Molecular representat...
- Machine Learning OperationsIntroduce the student to several tools and software development practices that will help them organize, scale, deploy and monitor machine learning models either in a research or pr...
- Measuring and Characterising Light and Lighting for Human HealthLight impacts human health and well-being profoundly. Light-sensitive cells in the back of our eye signal to the brain during night or day, thereby synchronising our physiological...
- Media EthicsDigital technology is always getting more complex and more interwoven with the human lifeworld. The problems of understanding media – i.e. the nature and implications of digital te...
- Medical Technology 2 - An Organ System Based ApproachIn the module "Medical technology 2 – an organ system-based approach", the fundamentals of therapeutic and diagnostic medical technology are taught in a structured manner for speci...
- Membrane TechnologyThe course is divided into four main modules: 1)Basics and principles: Operation modes in membrane operations. Membrane modules. Membrane materials. Mathematical models for porous...
- Micro and NanofabricationMicrofabrication and nanofabrication are the basis of manufacturing for nearly all modern miniaturized systems that are ubiquitously used in our daily life. Examples include; compu...
- Microscale modeling of heat storage materialsFor designing heat storage materials and devices, a good physical understanding of the phenomena is needed and proper (numerical) models are required. On the nano- and microscales...
- Modeling and IdentificationProcess modeling. Fundamental and empirical models. Classification of systems. Modeling of systems: analytical modeling versus identification from measured data. Static systems: li...
- Modern Textile MaterialsIntroduction to different textile materials: textile fibres, threads/yarns, different fabrics (woven fabric, knitted fabric etc) and their fabrication methods. Modern textile fabri...
- Money, Financial Institutions and MarketsThe course provides a comprehensive exploration of the modern financial system. Beginning with fundamental financial calculations, it progresses through various aspects of financia...
- Multidisciplinary Design OptimizationIntroduction to the theory and practice of multidisciplinary design optimization of mechanical structures. How can classical design tasks of the engineer be formulated as mathemati...
- Next-Generation-Sequencing AnalysisIn this course, you will learn the core concepts of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) and their computational analysis. The advent of NGS technologies has transformed how biological...
- Nuclear Fusion and Plasma PhysicsThe goal of the course is to provide the physics and technology basis for controlled fusion research, from the main elements of plasma physics to the reactor concepts 1) Basics o...
- POLYHEDRAL METHODS FOR INTEGER PROGRAMMINGThe course is on integer programming methods and structural results in (specific problem formulation) in integer programming. Specifically, the outline of the course is as follows...
- Personal FinanceThe course covers fundamental financial calculations needed for personal finance decisions. Students learn about risk-return relationships of different asset classes and practical...
- PhD course in sustainable electrofuels and -chemicalsThe transition of the energy sector from fossil-based fuels and resources to renewable resources and energy will significantly change the energy system of the future. Several techn...
- Power Engineering 1To provide a basic understanding of electricity and the main related calculation principles. The students are introduced to the electricity grid and the main components involved in...
- Power Engineering 2Introduction to symmetrical components provides a basis for analysing various types of faults (both symmetrical and unsymmetrical) that may occur in the electrical network. Introdu...
- Principles of Financial AccountingAccounting and its environment. Elements of financial statements. Business events. Simple and extended accounting equation. Transactions. Documentation of transactions. Accounts an...
- Process adaptation in Fermentation Based BiomanufacturingThe main purpose of this course is to introduce students to the methods and tools that are used when transferring a cell from a lab or research environment to pilot and full scale....
- ProgrammingProgramming
- QUANTUM THEORY: PHILOSOPHICAL PERSPECTIVE (FOUNDATIONS OF QUANTUM MECHANICS)The course is between Physics and Humanities and open to all students. Despite the extraordinary success of quantum mechanics, debates about the interpretation of the formalism...
- RF transceivers 2: design• General introduction to RF transceiver circuits • RF design methods and design tools • IC process and devices • RF subcircuits (incl. specs): LNA, PA, mixer, oscillator, fi...
- Recent Issues in Big Data and GovernanceThe course gives an overview of the possibilities and limitations (technical, ethical, methodological, socio-cultural) of using big data in analysing societal processes. The course...
- Renewables in electricity marketsElectricity markets are today central in the way we exchange electricity. The increasing penetration of renewable energy sources in power systems has a substantial and complex impa...
- Robots Programmingoverview: problems and progress, interpreting uncertain sensor data, localizing and mapping, navigation and control, motion planning NB! This course will take place in spring...
- SENSORS AND NANOTECHNOLOGYNanotechnology and sensors are broad, interdisciplinary areas that encompass (bio)chemistry, physics, biology, materials science, electrical engineering and more. The present cours...
- Science and Engineering Teaching and LearningThis course develops teaching skills through the introduction of research-informed approaches and the opportunity to practice strategies appropriate for higher education science an...
- Scientific ComputingThe course „Scientific Computing“ will present an overview of HPC hardware, programming languages and numerical methods for different problems, and introduce the student to repro...
- Scientific computing for Mechanical EngineeringBlock 1 - Programming principles and data structures (4 lectures and 2 GS, 6x2h=12h) Block 2 - Object-oriented data structures and linear systems of equations (4 lectures and 2 G...
- Social EngineeringThe course consists of 8 lectures covering various aspects of Social Engineering (the main approach is based on the book Social Engineering: The Art of Human Hacking by Christopher...
- Special Course in Technology GovernanceThe course has two goals. First of all, the special course is a classical research seminar that addresses various topics related to technology governance, which can be a potential...
- Statics and DynamicsForce and force systems. Newton’s laws. Support reactions. Statics axioms. Projection of a force onto an axis and onto a plane. Geometrical and analytical addition of forces. Concu...
- StatisticsData visualization. Statistical averages and measures of variation. Probability distributions. Sample surveys and making inferences about the population. Formulating and testing st...
- Stochastic modeling in inventory and production controlStudents from other TU/e bachelors than Industrial Engineering lack basic knowledge about topics such as production and inventory control and the theory of probability and stochast...
- Structural performance of polymers and their compositesModern engineering practice places ever increasing demands (eg. load, temperature, time) on the structural performance of polymers. Whereas new polymers are still being developed t...
- Student Challenge: Sustainable Smart CitiesSustainable and digital transformation can be considered the core challenges of our time. While both are important issues on their own, we can observe a recent trend and growing vo...
- Supply Chain ManagementCompetitive advantages and supply chain contribution. Customer expectations to supply chain value generation. Strategic role of lead time. Supply chain complexity perspectives and...
- Surface and Interface Research in Sustainable EnergyPresentations by students on current scientific publications related to surface and interface research in the field of sustainable energy.
- Sustainable Business in the pharmaceutical industry on emerging markets and developing countries - Access to health careThis course will try to understand, analyze and evaluate cases on the strategic and organizational challenges and dilemmas facing pharmaceutical companies when they roll out activi...
- System Aspects in Communication4G/5G and beyond communication systems: wireless evolution, 5G air interface, 5G NR physical resource, channels and signals, 5G handover and mobility management. Core network: 3GP...
- Theory of 2D materials and Strong Light-Matter InteractionTo equip you with the necessary theoretical and numerical tools to understand the diverse emergent phenomena originating from strong light-matter interaction. The course will provi...
- Visual comfort-based methods for building envelopes designObtaining the theoretical knowledge by attending to the theoretical lectures and working via simulation tools in the laboratory. As well as solving individual projects during the...
- Wood House Production in FactoryThe physical principles of wood construction and building perimeter support structures. The strength and stiffness. Glue laminated timber and cross laminated timber used in wood bu...