
Recent Issues in Big Data and Governance

Other subject area

About this course

The course gives an overview of the possibilities and limitations (technical, ethical, methodological, socio-cultural) of using big data in analysing societal processes. The course also introduces the main methodological approaches for using big data in data-based decision making. The course deals also with a) new arisen possibilities created by big data and opportunities for data-based decision-making for addressing societal changes, b) socio-cultural meanings related to big data, positive consequences and dangers when using big data in decision-making (e.g. data justice), c) changes in social relations related to big data and social datafication and new forms of public-private cooperation (e.g. use of open data, citizen science and data activism), d) main challenges in the data-based decision-making in the public and private sector (including socio-cultural, ethical, technical issues). These topics will be covered based on theoretical literature, comparative analysis of different countries, and through practical examples and exercises. The course does not presume prior knowledge of data analytics.

Introductory video for EuroTeQ students:

NB! This course will take place in spring semester 2024/2025 which starts on 3rd of February and ends on 16th of June (you can find that information under Start date section). The real course start and end dates will be announced at the beginning of February at the latest.

Learning outcomes

After successfully passing the subject the student:

  • Is able to constructively debate over the role of big data in society and data-based decision making;
  • Understands peculiarities of datafied society and knows various theoretical strands and methodological approaches regarding the use of big data for finding the solutions to the necessary societal issues;
  • Knows the main challenges, limitations, dangers and best practices regarding the use of big data for steering societal processes;
  • Demonstrates the skills of critical thinking, conceptual analysis and argumentation both in written form and orally.


Final assessment can consist of one test/assignment or several smaller assignments completed during the whole course. After declaring a course the student can re-sit the exam/assessment once. Assessment can be graded or non-graded. For specific information about the assessment process please get in touch with the contact person of this course. For specific information about grade transfer please contact your home university

Course requirements



  • Hiljutised raamatud/artiklid/raportid – lisatakse Moodle’sse.
  • Recent books/articles/reports - uploaded to Moodle.


lectures, exercises

Additional information

  • Credits
    ECTS 6
  • Level
  • Contact hours per week
  • Instructors
    Anu Masso
  • Mode of instruction
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