

This page helps with questions about orientation and registration on

Orientation and registration on eduXchange

To register, you should first get in touch with your home institution (see below). They will do some basic checks, such as, if you are really a student of this institution. Then they will pass on your registration data to the host institution (your name, e-mail address, your current study programme, and your choice of course at the host institution). The host institution may require additional data from you and contact you about this. Once the host university finalizes the enrolment for all students from all partner universities, you will be contacted by them about further steps for final registration.

CTU – CTU students who are interested in taking a EuroTeQ course, please contact Ing. Veronika Hanson -

DTU – DTU students who are interested in taking a EuroTeQ course can register by filling out this form. If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to: We will make sure to pass on your data to the host institution, and they will contact you to complete the registration process.

EPFL - EPFL students who are interested in taking a EuroTeQ course, please contact Marina Caretti –

LX - L’X students, please read the information available on the Moodle’s platform: check for eligibility and follow the steps for registration.

TalTech – TalTech students who are interested in registering for one of these courses, please see here.

Technion - Technion students who are interested in registering for one of these courses, please contact Technion International Office: Rita Popowicz, at

TU/e – TU/e students who are interested in taking a EuroTeQ course, please see here.

TUM – TUM students who are interested in taking a EuroTeQ course, please see here.

The total capacity (number of seats) per each course is shown in the listing, but it is not (yet) visible how many spaces are already booked. Especially language courses book very fast. However, for the courses where we are likely to exceed the maximum number, we have introduced a waiting list. You will be contacted by your home university to let you know should your name be put on a waiting list. If a student decides to withdraw from a course, we can contact students who are on the waiting list to take their seats.

Please note that at some universities (TUM and L’X), the teaching academic staff has the final decision in accepting or refusing incoming EuroTeQ students. In some cases, they check whether the students meet all the requirements for the course to be completed successfully. You will be informed should there be further questions about your application from these relevant institutions.

The courses are mostly online or hybrid, to promote virtual mobility across partners. Some courses may be offered in blended form, and in that case travelling may be involved. A quick explanation of these terms:

  • hybrid = EuroTeQ students attend online, home students attend on campus
  • blended = the course is largely online (for all students), but there may be face-to-face elements, for instance for lab work or a final exam.

The rules and regulations for transfer of credits back to your home university vary by institution and sometimes even by department. We advise you to discuss the transfer process with your home institution. Together with your study/academic advisor you can have a close look on how a EuroTeQ course fits into your regular programme and schedule. Arrange credit transfer with your home institution remains your own responsibility!

Due to the different semester structures of partner universities, it is not always possible for all partners to publish their timetables well in advance. If you see a course that does not list a starting date, that means that this course is not currently offered, but it will probably be opened again at a later date. Also, more courses may be listed in the course of the year. The platform is dynamic.

We understand that at times, it is not possible to continue with the course of your choice due to different reasons such as conflicts of schedules, lack of time or different expectations. If, for any reason, you need to withdraw from a course, please inform the home university, the host university and the teacher and also give a reason why you decide to withdraw. Be aware that teachers, especially those who offer hybrid courses, put a lot of extra effort, time and resources to enable EuroTeQ students to follow EuroTeQ courses or projects in an engaging manner considering EuroTeQ students are based abroad. Please note that withdrawing from a course does not have any implications, but it does mean that it disrupts the smooth running of the classroom for the rest of the group and the teacher. Therefore it is important to know when/if you have to drop out, and the reasons behind, if any.

The grades you obtain by following the course will be sent to your home institution. Whether or not it will be part of your degree depends on the required permissions from your home institution. We strongly advise you to request such permission in advance.

Each institution has its own academic calendar with different start and end dates for courses, including the examination periods. You may check the links below for detailed academic calendars.