32 Results
- AI Mastery for Business LeadersWe live in a world of constant change, where visionary business leaders recognize that AI is no longer a futuristic concept. On the contrary, it is already reshaping industries, re...
- AI for businessLes avancées de l'Intelligence Artificielle (IA) représentent un puissant levier d'innovation et de productivité. Maîtriser tout le potentiel de cette technologie reste aujourd'hui...
- AI for businessLes avancées de l'Intelligence Artificielle (IA) représentent un puissant levier d'innovation et de productivité. Maîtriser tout le potentiel de cette technologie reste aujourd'hui...
- Applied Data Science: Communication and VisualizationThis is a course that explains how to make any kind of data speak loud and clear with two critical areas of the data science pipeline: communication and visualization. It is target...
- Applied Data Science: Machine LearningThis online program, will give you hands-on experience in one of the hottest areas of data science. Master Machine Learning for informed decision-making, innovation, and staying co...
- Bio-based Technologies for Waste and Side Stream ValorizationExplore bio-based technologies for valorization of waste and side-streams. This immersive three-day course provides participants with the knowledge and tools to innovate in the fie...
- Blockchain Advanced Program - Decentralized Finance (DeFi)Blockchain is a disruptive technology that is profoundly transforming multiple industries, much like the Internet did 20 years ago. The ecosystem is evolving, new players are emerg...
- Circular Economy for Materials ProcessingThe aim of this course is to build knowledge and capacity in state-of-the-art circular economy and resource efficiency practices - to ensure that future graduate engineers have the...
- CyberSecurity Essentials"This course covers three domains of cybersecurity. The first domain, Endpoint Security, introduces critical foundational concepts in cybersecurity, such as common attacks and atta...
- Data scienceGiven the explosive growth of digital data worldwide, gaining insights from this data and making strategic decisions is crucial for companies and organizations. While the volume of...
- Developing Leadership in and for Technology Focused TeamsThis course offers fundamental leadership concepts tailored for leaders and managers of technology teams. It focuses on key leadership principles, decision-making, and team dynamic...
- Digital transformation & entrepreneurshipDiscover how to lead in today’s digital landscape with our “Digital Transformation & Entrepreneurship” certificate program. Gain a profound understanding of digital business models...
- Economics of ManufacturingDuring this course you will explore the intricate web of costs and accounting essentials in the biomanufacturing process, gaining a comprehensive understanding that extends beyond...
- Effective Programming in ScalaScala is an expressive, versatile, and safe programming language, pleasant to maintain because the language has a lean syntax, and it supports declarative programming. Scala progra...
- Enterprise networking, Security and Automation (CCNA3)This course covers advanced networking topics relevant to enterprise networks. Participants will learn topics related to IP routing, security, wide area networks (WANs), Quality of...
- Entrepreneuriat dans les énergies renouvelablesL’un des défis du marché de l'énergie est la croissance et l'intégration des sources d'énergies renouvelables dans le mix énergétique. Les technologies solaires et éoliennes sont d...
- Foundations of Data ScienceFoundations of Data Science is for those who work with both structured – spreadsheets and data tables – and unstructured data and who need to understand how to automate data to gai...
- IT Security & privacy managementEnhance your expertise in safety and risk management with a focus on IT-related risks through our distinguished certificate program in IT-Security & Privacy Management. This intens...
- Introduction to BiomanufacturingIntroduction to Biomanufacturing covers basic and state-of-the-art biomanufacturing methodologies, delivered by a diverse range of university teachers and industry guest lectures....
- Introduction to Networks (CCNA1)This course introduces the architecture, structure, functions, components, and models of the Internet and other computer networks. The principles and structure of IPv4 and IPv6 add...
- Introduction to SecurityThis course aims to teach students cybersecurity fundamentals and advanced techniques by combining penetration testing learning with defense strategies. Using an innovative blend o...
- Master of Wind EnergyDTU’s Master of Wind Energy is an accredited industry targeted education from the world’s leading academic department for wind energy. The flexible study plan allows you to choose...
- Microbial Food Safety in a Global PerspectiveThis 6 week long course is about microbial food safety in a global perspective. Unsafe food containing harmful microorganisms cause millions to fall ill and costs billions of dolla...
- Networking EssentialsThis course teaches the fundamentals of networking. It covers the foundation of networking and network devices, how to use different network applications and protocols to accomplis...
- Piloter l'innovationVous jouez ou vous souhaitez jouer un rôle majeur dans le processus d'innovation ? L'innovation vous passionne et vous souhaitez en connaître les derniers développements théorique...
- Strategic Legal Innovation – Adapting to Technological DisruptionMeet the challenges of the digital era with the certificate program “Strategic Legal Innovation – Adapting to Technological Disruption”. The certificate program is designed for leg...
- Stratège de la transformation durableLa transformation durable est l'un des grands défis de notre temps pour les organisations privées et publiques. Elle requiert des savoirs spécialisés, appuyés sur les sciences pour...
- Switching, Routing and Wireless Essentials (CCNA2)This course describes the architecture, components, and operations of routers switches and access points in a small network. Students learn how to configure routers, switches and a...
- WAsP Engineering Self StudyA self study course about the WAsP standard and software application (Wind Atlas Analysis and Application Program) for wind ressource assesment. WAsP Software is the industry-stand...
- WAsP Self StudyA 10 week self-study course will teach you how to use the WAsP Engineering software for assessment of wind conditions affecting structural safety of wind turbines. There are specif...
- Wind RessourcesDuring this course, you will be presented with different issues concerning wind resource assessment. You will learn how to perform wind resource assessments at various scales, and...
- Wind Turbine TechnologyIn this course, you will be introduced to wind turbine technology. You will get a general introduction to different wind turbine components and wind turbine concepts. Furthermore,...