About this course
The goal of the course is to provide a baseline knowledge and skills for implementing applications of presently available quantum computers. The course includes an overview of basic concepts and fundamental algorithms, and focusses on algorithms suitable for so called NISQ – noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers. All class materials are provided on an on-line learning platform, containing interactive tutorials, video recordings, exercises and assessment. The course is suitable for bachelor and master’s students from all years and familiarity with quantum mechanics or quantum information is recommended, however, not a necessary requirement. The classes are held entirely online to get the most out of the learning material and make it internationally accessible. Python quantum SDK’s will be used during the course. Use of own computers is required.
The course is provided in cooperation with the University of Latvia, QURECA, QWorld and the European Insitute of Technology. To complete the course, students are required to complete the modules hosted on the e-learning platform and submit a final capstone project.
Learning outcomes
Credit for completing weekly tasks.
Course requirements
Knowledge of linear algebra and fundamentals of quantum mechanics.
- Key references:
- [1] Link to e-learning platform available from https://people.fjfi.cvut.cz/gabriaur/02NISQ
- Recommended references:
- [2] Learn Quantum Computation using Qiskit: https://qiskit.org/textbook
- [3] Cirq: An open source framework for programming quantum computers https://quantumai.google/cirq
- [4] PennyLane Documentation: https://docs.pennylane.ai/
Lectures, group work, self-study, exercises
Additional information
- Coordinating facultyCzech Technical University in Prague
- Contact a coordinator
- LevelMaster
- Contact hours per week2
- InstructorsGábris Aurél Gábor Ph.D., doc. Ing. Štefaňák Martin Ph.D.
Starting dates
17 Feb 2025
ends 21 Sept 2025
Language English Term Summer 2024/2025 Course is currently running