About this course
The aim of the course is to introduce students into the basic concepts and principles of project management, i.e. methods of planning, teamwork, analysis, crisis management in a project, communication, argumentation and meeting management. Students will practice project management techniques (e.g. SWOT analysis, risk assessment and management, Gantt charts, resource schedule, resource balancing, network graphs) and creation of project documentation. The course is designed especially for students who are interested in deepening their knowledge outside IT, consider starting their own company, or have ambitions to work in middle or senior management positions in large companies. The course is also suitable for all those who will develop software or hardware in the form of team projects.
Learning outcomes
To encounter real life situations in project management.
Course requirements
Ability to read kitchen recipes. Willingness and ambition to find out, how to get from the vision to results, that have impact.
- Lester A. : A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge. Project Management Institute, 2017. ISBN 978-16-282-5184-5.
- Sustainable project management - The GPM reference guide
- Wysocki R.K. : Effective Software Project Management. John Wiley & Sons, 2010. ISBN 978-0-470-44653-9.
- Frederick P. Brooks, jr.: The Mythical Man-Month
- Reinhard K. Sprenger: Das Prinzip SELBST-Verantwortung
- John Kotter, Holger Rathgeber: Our Iceberg is Melting
project management
Additional information
- Coordinating facultyCzech Technical University in Prague
- Contact a coordinator
- LevelBachelor
- Contact hours per week12
- InstructorsIng. Pešek David
Starting dates
17 Feb 2025
ends 21 Sept 2025
Language English Term Summer 2024/2025 Course is currently running