About this course
Introduction to Virtual Reality (VR), virtual reality operations, metaverse, and creation. Rules and requirements for virtual worlds communication. The course focuses on the ways of creating virtual reality worlds and interactive activities in 3D worlds. It improves computational thinking, empathy, and shared social activities.
Learning outcomes
- Virtual reality active and creative use.
- Work with metaverse.
- Implementation and social communication of avatars.
- Visual programming for virtual reality scenes.
Course requirements
Elementary mathematics and computer science.
- 1. Klán, P., Mariančík T. (2022). How to Build Virtual Worlds in Metaverse Neos. Solirax Ltd London. Third ed. https://users.fit.cvut.cz/~klanpetr/Virtual%20Reality%20Development%20with%20NeosVR%20-%20community-third-ed.pdf
- 2. Greengard, S. (2019). Virtual Reality. MIT Press.
virtual reality
Additional information
- Coordinating facultyCzech Technical University in Prague
- Contact a coordinator
- LevelBachelor
- Contact hours per week12
- Instructorsdoc. Ing. Mgr. Klán Petr CSc.
If anything remains unclear, please check the FAQ of CTU (Czech Republic).
Starting dates
17 Feb 2025
ends 21 Sept 2025
Language English Term Summer 2024/2025 Course is currently running
These offerings are valid for students of CTU (Czech Republic)