
Green Deal Collider: Sustainable Futures


About this course

Numerous crises in recent years have demonstrated how fragile our environment, society, and economy are. The European Green Deal 2050 aims to transform the EU into a climate-neutral, modern and competitive economy. Addressing the global climate challenges, however, involves an extensive rethinking of policy, technology, and education systems. Bridging research, innovation and entrepreneurship can support and facilitate the green transition of societies and economies for achieving the Green Deal missions. The focus of the course is on the discovery of ideas and framing of problems and solutions for sustainable entrepreneurship. Together, the course’s goals and objectives drive the innovation-led transformations required to meet Europe’s 2050 climate neutrality targets. Focusing on the discovery phase, the Collider course provides a foundation for the development of sustainable products and services. The principles and methods of challenge-based learning are applied in this course.

NB! This course will take place in spring semester 2024/2025 which starts on 3rd of February and ends on 16th of June (you can find that information under Start date section). The real course start and end dates will be announced at the beginning of February at the latest.

Learning outcomes

On completion of the course, the student:

  • relies on the European Green Deal and Green Transformation-related visions, missions and understands their challenges;
  • applies design thinking and start-up entrepreneurship concepts, processes, and methods to analyse problems and synthesize science-driven products and services;
  • creates and evaluates prototypes for validating product and service feasibility and business models;
  • uses transferable and interpersonal skills in pursuing research-based entrepreneurship: persuasion, adaptability, negotiation, and team, communication, and conflict management.


Final assessment can consist of one test/assignment or several smaller assignments completed during the whole course. After declaring a course the student can re-sit the exam/assessment once. Assessment can be graded or non-graded. For specific information about the assessment process please get in touch with the contact person of this course. For specific information about grade transfer please contact your home university

Course requirements


17 Jan first online meeting 13.00 CET 27-31 January, the physical, on-site part of the course at Tallinn University of Technology which is mandatory* 3-14 February, the student teams will have individual and team-based online learning, during which they will improve their project and communicate with mentors (7 Feb: online feedback session 13.00 CET, 14 Feb: final presentations 13.00 CET)

The course is aimed at students from all different disciplines and levels of studies:

  • Students from science, technology, engineering or business related fields are favored
  • PhD and master students are preferred You can apply for an Erasmus+ scholarship for your stay in Tallinn to be provided by your home University and need to be nominated by your home Univesity. Accommodation, lunch and social programme are provided by TalTech, travel costs need to be covered by the participants.


  • Õppematerjale tutvustab õppejõud kohtumisel.
  • Study literature will be made available during the course.


lectures, practices

Additional information

  • Contact hours per week
  • Instructors
    Ergo Pikas
If anything remains unclear, please check the FAQ of TalTech (Estonia).

Starting dates

  • 3 Feb 2025

    ends 16 Jun 2025

    TermSpring semester 2025
    Course is currently running
These offerings are valid for students of CTU (Czech Republic)