Over deze cursus
In the Computer Graphics course students will learn to work with Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. The graphic content of the work will be linked to their experience of Prague. The final goal of the work is to make a collaboratively authored book with the students' personal impression of Prague in the form of a comics. Students will learn image processing, typography, editing, and layouts in the various software.
During several lessons students will be led to become familiar with 3 ADOBE programs, and also with the basics of typography. The result of their term work will be a poster on individual topic. It will be required to hand in the poster in digital form and a version printed on paper. - format B1 .,
The minimum number of students to open the course is 5. EXCEPTION for self-paying students: if there are less than 5 students, the course will be taught in consultations.
- Dusong, Jean Luc - Siegwart, Fabienne: Typographie, Larousse Bordas, Paris, 1996., Czech edition Typografie, by Svojtka and Vašut, 1997
Online education - in accordance with teacher
Aanvullende informatie
- Coordinerende vakgroepCzech Technical University in Prague
- Neem contact op met een coordinator
- NiveauMaster
- Contact uren per week13
- Instructeursdoc. Ing. arch. Matějovská Dana Ph.D., Ing. arch. Moravec Stanislav, doc. Ing. arch. Sýsová Kateřina Ph.D.
17 feb 2025
tot 21 sep 2025
Voertaal Engels Periode Summer 2024/2025 Course loopt nu23 sep 2024
tot 16 feb 2025
Voertaal Engels Periode Winter 2024/2025 Course is afgelopen