Over deze cursus
Students will be introduced into the magnetic materials, magnetic sensors and engineering magnetism including FEM design and magnetic measurements and testing. The content of this advanced course can be modified according to the students´ needs.
The graduate will be able to design and simulate magnetic circuit, measure its properties, test magnetic materials and magnetic sensors.
Mathematics and physics on engineering level
- Obligatory:
- 1. Jiles, D.: Introduction to Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (3rd edition). CRC 2015
- 2. Ripka, P. (ed.): Magnetic Sensors and Magnetometers, 2nd edition, Artech, Boston, ISBN 1-58053-057-5, 2021
- Recommended:
- 1. Alex Hubert, Rudolf Schäfer: Magnetic Domains: The Analysis of Magnetic Microstructures, Springer 2014
- 2. S. Tumanski: Handbook of Magnetic Measurements, CRC 2011
- 3. F. Fiorillo: Characterization and Measurement of Magnetic Materials, Elsevier 2004
Lectures, Seminars, Lab-work
Aanvullende informatie
- Coordinerende vakgroepCzech Technical University in Prague
- Neem contact op met een coordinator
- NiveauDoctoral
- Contact uren per week4
- Instructeursprof. Ing. Ripka Pavel CSc.
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23 sep 2024
tot 16 feb 2025
Voertaal Engels Periode Winter 2024/2025 Course is afgelopen17 feb 2025
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