
Basics of Embedded Systems

Computer Science and ICT, Data, AI

Over deze cursus

The course introduces basics of embedded systems and their development methods:

  • Principles of embedded systems, differences from traditional computer systems;
  • Architectures and platforms of embedded systems. Generic and application specific architectures;
  • Embedded software, differences from application software;
  • Energy and power consumption, dependability and fault tolerance of embedded systems;
  • Notion of time in real-time embedded systems, scheduling of computation processes and planning of resources;
  • Development tools for microcontroller systems (on base of ARM Cortex M).

Introductory video for EuroTeQ students:

NB! This course will take place in spring semester 2024/2025 which starts on 3rd of February and ends on 16th of June (you can find that information under Start date section). The real course start and end dates will be announced at the beginning of February at the latest.


Having completed the course a student:

  • understands the basics of embedded systems, architectures and platforms, knows the difference from traditional computer systems and is familiar with contemporary 32-bit microcontroller architectures;
  • knows how to select suitable microcontroller for the system under development taking into account design requirements;
  • Is able to apply knowledge and skills interfacing microcontroller with peripherals and sensor systems;
  • knows how to take into account opportunities and restrictions for embedded software;
  • understands the basics of real-time embedded systems and recognizes problems specific to the development of embedded real-time systems;


Final assessment can consist of one test/assignment or several smaller assignments completed during the whole course. After declaring a course the student can re-sit the exam/assessment once. Assessment can be graded or non-graded. For specific information about the assessment process please get in touch with the contact person of this course. For specific information about grade transfer please contact your home university


Basic knowledge of C programming language.

NB! Students are ready to purchase equipment/components required for the labs themselves (up to 50 euros).


  • 1. Jonathan W Valvano, Embedded Systems: Introduction to Arm® CortexTM-M Microcontrollers , 5th Edition, 2015 ISBN-10: 1477508996 | ISBN-13: 978-1477508992
  • 2. Jonathan W Valvano, Embedded Systems: Real-Time Interfacing to ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers , 5th Edition, 2016, ISBN: 978-1463590154


lectures, practices

Aanvullende informatie

  • Contact uren per week
  • Instructeurs
    Uljana Reinsalu
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  • 2 sep 2024

    tot 26 jan 2025

    PeriodeFall semester 2024
    Course is afgelopen
Dit aanbod is voor studenten van CTU (Czech Republic)