Over deze cursus
Relevance of ethical and moral questions in business life. Theoretical approaches to business ethics - teleological and deontological theories. Virtue ethics. Ethical issues in labour relations. Consumer ethics. Ethical dimensions of socially responsible marketing. Ethics in IT. Corporate Social Responsibility. Ethics and management, ethics instruments (code of ethics, social reports, ethics audit); framework for making ethical decisions. Sustainable marketing strategy; global problems and opportunities; sustainable marketing-mix.
NB! This course will take place in spring semester 2024/2025 which starts on 3rd of February and ends on 16th of June (you can find that information under Start date section). The real course start and end dates will be announced at the beginning of February at the latest.
The student:
- knows the theoretical foundations of ethics and business ethics, the main principles of corporate social responsibility and the relationship between market economy and business ethics;
- is able to analyse and solve ethical dilemmas by applying a framework for making ethical decision;
- understands the principles of socially responsible businesses and the scope of sustainable marketing;
- knows the role of sustainability in international operations.
Final assessment can consist of one test/assignment or several smaller assignments completed during the whole course. After declaring a course the student can re-sit the exam/assessment once. Assessment can be graded or non-graded. For specific information about the assessment process please get in touch with the contact person of this course. For specific information about grade transfer please contact your home university
- Frank-Martin Belz, Ken Peattie: Sustainability Marketing: A Global Perspective.
- Oliver Laasch, Roger N. Conaway: Principles of Responsible Management: Global Sustainability, Responsibility and Ethics
lectures, exercises
Aanvullende informatie
- Meer infoCursuspagina op de website van Tallinn University of Technology
- Neem contact op met een coordinator
- Contact uren per week4
- InstructeursEliis Salm
2 sep 2024
tot 26 jan 2025
Voertaal Engels Periode Fall semester 2024 Course is afgelopen