Over deze cursus
In this course you will acquire basic knowledge of the Dutch language. We use a method based on blended learning.
You are familiar with basic Dutch sentences, expressions and their meaning.
You are able to participate in a simple Dutch conversation. You can talk about personal information and familiar subjects by both asking and reacting to questions, provided that your partners speak slowly and very clearly and are willing to help you formulate your meaning.
You can understand the meaning of basic Dutch sentences and expressions about personal information and familiar subjects, provided that your partners speak slowly and very clearly and are willing to help you formulate your meaning.
You can write a short Dutch message.
You can read and recognize familiar names, words and sentences in a short message.
End level: CEF A1
*STUDENTS: this course is free of charge, by registering for this course you agree to attend both 75% of the course and the final exam of the same quartile. If you don’t meet these requirements, you will have to pay 50 euros.*
*EUROTEQ STUDENTS this course is free of charge and the restrictions do not apply to you
EMPLOYEES wishing to register for this course must complete the [languagecenter@tue.nl](https://tuenl.sharepoint.com/sites/intranet-education-and-student-affairs/SiteAssets/Forms/AllItems.aspx?id=%2Fsites%2Fintranet%2Deducation%2Dand%2Dstudent%2Daffairs%2FSiteAssets%2FSitePages%2Fsfc500%2Ddutch%2Dfor%2Dbeginners%2Di%2FAdminformEmployee%5FTUeLanguageCenter%20%281%29%2Epdf&parent=%2Fsites%2Fintranet%2Deducation%2Dand%2Dstudent%2Daffairs%2FSiteAssets%2FSitePages%2Fsfc500%2Ddutch%2Dfor%2Dbeginners%2Di)at least 2 weeks before course start. Only fully completed and signed forms will be processed.
Please do not register directly in Osiris because you will be deregistered without notice if we have not yet received your administration form.*
To register for this course, please contact your home institution.
Assessment: Written online
- Start.nl - deel 1, Dutch for Beginners (ISBN 9789046905661)
Aanvullende informatie
- Meer infoCursuspagina op de website van Eindhoven University of Technology
- Neem contact op met een coordinator
- NiveauBachelor
- Contact uren per week2
- InstructeursAnnemie Briggen - Keeris, Annet Zonneveld, Bregje Colen - de Laat, Carlo van der Meer, Eleonore Helle, Jacques Wajon, Josje Melis, Karien van Woerden, Katerina Sevcikova Lepkova, Leonie Kasje-Adriaanse, Monique Damen, Patrick van 't Hooft, Sophia Riemersma, Truike van Rooij, Vika Lukina
10 feb 2025
tot 6 apr 2025
Locatie Eindhoven Voertaal Nederlands Periode Blok 3 Course loopt nu21 apr 2025
tot 22 jun 2025
Locatie Eindhoven Voertaal Nederlands Periode Blok 4 Inschrijvingsperiode gesloten1 sep 2025
tot 26 okt 2025
Locatie Eindhoven Voertaal Nederlands Periode Blok 1 Inschrijvingsperiode gesloten10 nov 2025
tot 18 jan 2026
Locatie Eindhoven Voertaal Nederlands Periode Blok 2 Inschrijvingsperiode gesloten2 feb 2026
tot 5 apr 2026
Locatie Eindhoven Voertaal Nederlands Periode Blok 3 Inschrijvingsperiode gesloten20 apr 2026
tot 21 jun 2026
Locatie Eindhoven Voertaal Nederlands Periode Blok 4 Inschrijvingsperiode gesloten